Academia meets Industry

Who we are

In 2016 Prof. A. Bechthold from the University of Freiburg and Prof H. Pfundner from Roche created the idea of a new Master Program “Drug Development & Regulatory Affairs” within the existing Master’s degree program in pharmaceutical sciences. There is a need in the industry for university graduates with sound knowledge in the areas of pharmaceutical drug development and regulatory affairs. These topics are usually underrepresented in existing pharmacy degree programs.

Vision and Goals

By connecting students of the university of Freiburg with the Pharmaceutical industry and academic partners our organization facilitates a network between these parties. In a global world the pharmacy student of today wants to be involved and connected to potential employers as early as possible. He/she wants to gain experience and insights to the pharmaceutical industry.

Membership / Donations

We need your financial contribution to support our projects.
Become a member of our organization or support our work by a one-time donation

News blog

PZ and DAZ shine a spotlight on the master’s study program “Regulatory Affairs and Drug Development” for its 5th anniversary

The study program “Regulatory Affairs and Drug Development” was introduced in the winter of 2018 and hence just celebrated its 5th anniversary. On this occasion, an overview article about the study program was published in “Pharmazeutische Zeitung”. In addition, the journal “Deutsche Apothekerzeitung” conducted and published an interview with Dr. Anja Langeneckert and Dr. Anna Resch about the study program.

Further information on the masters’s program “Regulatory Affairs and Drug Development” on LinkedIn and the website of the Pharmaceutical Institute of the University of Freiburg.


Competiton of Ideas

In 2023 we organized a competiton at the student’s level to generate innovative teaching ideas using AI-Tools. As this was a very successful project a new competition is launched during the summer semester of 2024:

Theme for the 2024 ideas competition has been decided
This year’s competition revolves around the “Value of Work.” Why do we work? What values and goals does each individual associate with studying, working, or further education? We are eager to learn which ideas students connect with these questions. Please find full announcement for this year’s competition here. (text so far only in German).

In addition to a prize of € 500, it is foreseen to implement successful contributions in consultation with the “winners”.



Our association “academia meets industry” supports on open democratic and tolerant society. We ask our members to strongly defend these values and principles of our democracy at any time.

Andreas Bechthold, Helmut Laaff, Friederike Zahm


Netzwerk-Stipendium: Invitation to apply for a scholarship program

Academia Meets Industry (AMI) is an organization in support of pharmacy students at the University of Freiburg, Germany. There is an increasing awareness that pharmacy students who are interested in job perspectives in the pharma industry should be connected to this industry as early as possible during their studies.

In this context, AMI offers a “Netzwerkstipendium” to support students within Pharmaceutical Sciences (Master or Staatsexamen) and doctoral researchers at the pharmaceutical institute of the University of Freiburg.

The students within this program will be in close contact with an executive mentor working in the pharmaceutical industry. This person will provide advice to the student, make contacts for them and support them in their career planning. In addition AMI will grant 100€ per month as financial support covering for individual expenses.

Students and doctoral researchers at the faculty of pharmaceutical sciences especially those with an interest in drug development and regulatory affairs are eligible for this program. Participants will be chosen by our organization on an individual basis.

Written application including a vita should not exceed 2 pages. The application (PDF-file) should be sent to . Please also send a printed version to Prof. Dr. Andreas Bechthold, Universität Freiburg, Institut für Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften, Stefan-Meier-Str. 19, 79104 Freiburg

Deadline of application is 11.11.2024.


Lecture Series: Working fields in pharmaceutical industry

The lecture series “Working fields in pharmaceutical industry” of the University of Freiburg will be continued in the WS 2024/25. The program will be announced in due time.


Schedule of the association in 2024

  • Meeting of the board of directors and advisors on 05.03.2024
  • Annual meeting of the association on 10.07.2024, am Buck 5, 79249 Merzhausen at 16:00 followed by a summer celebration starting at 17:30